This page lists my research projects and topics, most recent first. See the Publications list or the Books page for links to publications.
Research students
2010- Rachel Pedder-Smith: The glow of significance: narrating stories using natural history specimens (at the Royal College of Art)
2010: Ebony Hewson: Performing arts archives in Britain: An exploration of purpose, use and value (AHRC Collaborative Doctoral Award)
2010: Pip Laurenson: Shifting structures, identity and change in the care and management of time-based media works of art
2008: Francesca Monti: The effective display of inconspicuous objects from Egyptian collections (AHRC Award) (Now jointly published as the book, Museums and silent objects)
2007: Catherine Pearson: Curators, culture and conflict: Understanding the effects and consequences of the Second World War on the UK's Museums: 1926-1965 (AHRC award)
Uses of museum collections
Published as:
Research report: 2008. Collections for people: museums' stored collections as a public resource. UCL Institute of Archaeology.
Full research account and data:
Book: 2005. Fragments of the World: uses of museum collections. Elsevier - Butterworth Heinemann.
Digital culture
E CultureNet. European project under the 5th Framework Programme ECultureNet to develop a concept for a Network of Excellence
Published as:
2004. City histories revealed. Literary and Linguistics Computing 19: 351-371.
2003. A DEER for Europe? a Distributed European Electronic Resource. in: EVA London 2003: proceedings. Vasari: London. 10 pp.
The problems of preserving digital cultural materials
Published as:
2002. 'Preserving digital materials: confronting tomorrow's problems today'. The Conservator, no. 26, pp. 93-99.
2002. 'Now you see it, now you won't: preserving digital cultural material'. Website demonstration in: Museums and the Web. Selected papers from an international conference. Pittsburg, PA: Archives & Museum Informatics.
2002. 'Surviving the sands of time'. In: Digital Silk Roads. Conference held by the NII and UNESCO, Tokyo, 2001. NII/UNESCO.
1995 ongoing
Implications of digitisation for museums
Published as:
2006. Disruptive technologies: are museums immune? in: J.Hemsley & S. Keene, eds. EVA London 2006: Proceedings of the conference held 26th-28th July 2006. EVA Conferences International, pp. 14.1-14.10.
2004. The future of the museum in the digital age. ICOM News 57: 3, p.4. 1p.
2003. A DEER for Europe? a Distributed European Electronic Resource. in: EVA London 2003: proceedings. Vasari: London. 10 pp.
2001. 'In Your Dreams: digital media bring to life real collections'. In: Scanning the Horizon. proceedings of the mda conference, Norwich, 2001.
2001. 'Introducing the Netful' In Delivering diversity, Proceedings of the mda conference, London, September 1999 (Published as mda Information Vol 5 No3).
2000. 'Museums in the Digital Space'. Cultivate Interactive, issue 2.
1999. 'A netful of jewels: new museums in the learning age' (ed.). London: National Museums Directors Conference. PDF version
1998. Public awareness, audiences and markets: survey of information currently available. In: Report on the Work of the Memorandum of Understanding on Multimedia Access to Europe's Cultural Heritage, Working Group 2. EC DG X and DG XIII, Brussels.
1998. Editor, Exploring Materials CD ROM. Science Museum.
1997. Director and editor, The Information Stations. Multimedia interactive exhibit in the Science Museum gallery, The Challenge of Materials.
1997. 'Museums and the Information Society', in Proceedings of the conference: Building the Global Information Society for the 21st Century, Brussels, 1-3 October
1997. Theme 2: Services to the Public. European Commission.
1997. 'The World Wide Market for museum information', in J.Hemsley (ed.), Proceedings of a conference, Electronic Imaging & the Visual Arts: Eva'97 Paris, 2 Sept.1997, pp. 13-1-11. EVA conferences.
1997. 'Becoming Digital', Museum Management and Curatorship 15 No.3, 299-313.
1996. 'LASSI: the Larger Scale Systems Initiative', Information Services & Use 16, 223-236.
1996. 'News from the cutting edge', Museums Journal (November), p 42.
1996. 'Worldwide Access', Museums Journal (September), p 37
1996. 'Ghostly Spirits', Museums Journal (May), p 42
1996. With A. Grant and J. Warren. Multitalented. Museums Journal (August), 26-27.
1995. Objects as systems: a new challenge for conservation. In: W.A. Oddy, ed. Restoration: is it acceptable? Preprints of a conference. Occasional Paper no. 99, British Museum, pp 19-25.
1995. LASSI: the collections management software for the future. In: G. Day, ed. Museum Collections and the Information Superhighway: Proceedings of the Conference held on 10 May 1995. Science Museum.
1992- 2000
Collections management and conservation of scientific and industrial objects and collections
Published as:
Seminar papers: 1994 (ed., with D.Swade). Collecting and Conserving Computers: papers from a seminar. Science Museum.
1994. Keene, S. Conserving the information machine. In: S.Keene and D.Swade, eds. Collecting and Conserving Computers: Seminar Papers. Science Museum, London, pp 30-39.
1995. Objects as systems: a new challenge for conservation. In: W.A. Oddy, ed. Restoration: is it acceptable? Preprints of a conference. Occasional Paper no. 99, British Museum, pp 19-25.
2000. 'Scientific Instruments: Appearance and Evidence'. In: Papers from a workshop, The Restoration of Scientific Instruments, Florence. Istituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza, pp 57-68.
1990- 1991
Methodology for assessing the condition of collections
Published as:
1992. With C.Orton. Measuring the condition of museum collections. In: G.L. and J. Moffett, eds. CAA91: Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology. BAR.
1992. A method for auditing the condition of collections. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Non-destructive Testing, Viterbo. Istituto Centrale del Restauro / Italian Society for NDT, Monitoring and Diagnostics (AIPnD), Rome. pp not numbered.
1991. Audits of care: collections condition surveys. In: V. Todd, ed. Storage: Conference Preprints. RAI / UKIC, pp 6-16.
1988- 1993
Information for managing the conservation of museum collections PhD: University of London, 1993
Published as:
Book: 2002. Managing Conservation in Museums (2nd revised edn.). Butterworth Heinemann.
Book: 1996. Managing Conservation in Museums (1st edn.) Butterworth Heinemann in association with the Science Museum.
1990. Building a management information system for conservation. In: K. Grimstad, ed. Proceedings of the 9th triennial meeting of the Committee for Conservation, Dresden. ICOM Committee for Conservation / Getty Conservation Institute, pp 185-191.
Conference preprints:1990 (ed.). Managing conservation: Conference Preprints. UKIC.
1974, 1989
National surveys: Conservation facilities in UK museums and galleries
Published as:
Research report: 1989. (ed., with M. Corfield and S. Hackney). The Survey: conservation facilities in museums and galleries. United Kingdom Institute for Conservation. 88 pp.
Research report: 1974. (Major contributor and editor) Conservation in museums and galleries: A survey of facilities in the United Kingdom. International Institute of Conservation. 115 pp.
1983- 1987
Elucidation and conservation of the Winchester Reliquary
Published as:
1987. The Winchester Reliquary: conservation and elucidation. In: J. Black, ed. Recent Advances in Conservation and Analysis of Artefacts: Conference Preprints. Institute of Archaeology, London, pp 35-32.
1981. With D. Hinton and K.Qualmann. The Winchester Reliquary. Medieval Archaeology, XXV, pp 45-77.
1980- 1982
Conservation methods for treating waterlogged archaeological leather
Published as:
1982. With H.Ganiaris and K.Starling. A comparison of some treatments for excavated leather. The Conservator, 6, 12-23.
1981- 1985
Conservation methods for stabilising archaeological iron
Published as:
1994. Real-time survival rates for treatments of archaeological iron. In: J. Podany, ed. Ancient and Historic Metals: conservation and scientific research. Proceedings of a symposium organised by the J.Paul Getty Museum and the Getty Conservation Institute, Santa Monica, 1991. Getty Conservation Institute, pp 249-64.
1987. Desalination treatments for iron: an evaluation. In: Jern - fremstilling, ned brydning og bavaring. National Museum of Denmark.
1987. Protective coatings for iron. In: Jern - fremstilling, ned brydning og bavaring. National Museum of Denmark.
1985. With Clive Orton. The stability of treated archaeological iron: an assessment. Studies in Conservation, 30, 3.
1984. The performance of coatings and consolidants used for archaeological iron. In: Adhesives and Consolidants: Contributions to the Paris Congress 1984. IIC.